Bagasse is a sugarcane residue after syruping in sugarcane factories that has a different plant texture in terms of fiber size and includes small fine particles of marrow called peat and long dry fibers called bagasse.
The percentage of peat and bagasse in this complex depends on the sugarcane cultivar, climatic conditions, the amount of sugarcane ripening and the technical quality of the production plant. These two substances have about 50% moisture immediately after extraction, which needs to be dried immediately to be used in the production of dense animal feed.

√ Physical properties:
1- The color of fresh bagasse turns yellowish white and after drying it turns brownish yellow.
2- Baguette has its own odor that is fermented near the smell of molasses.
3- Each cubic meter of fresh bagasse weighs about 160 to 200 kg, the specific gravity of which varies from 0.16 to 0.2.
The ratio of components in the physical structure of fresh and moist bagasse is as follows:
1- Humidity 45 to 55% Weight
2- Crude fibers 21 to 23% by weight
3- Pit 13.5 to 14.5% by weight
4- Wood vessels 9 to 10% by weight
√ Unacceptable factors in dry bagasse:
the presence of any fungus and mildew
humidity more than 10%
the smell of rot and rot
the presence of any foreign matter